Founder, Designer and modern-day abolitionist, Jen Hansen, has been giving to organizations that fight against human trafficking since 2003. At the time, she was fine-tuning her jewelry fabrication and stone setting skills. As Jen created, she emerged with a vision and purpose that is the heart behind her company today.

Her vision was very clear; her company would serve as a platform to raise awareness and create outlets of freedom for those in the clutches of trafficking. She would partner with a non-profit organization, to train women to make jewelry on their own. With this newly learned trade, these women would become entrepreneurs themselves which would empower them to break the cycle of poverty and trafficking forever.

Each month, Jen’s joy is to see how much her company will be able to contribute to rescue and offer renewed hope – spirit, soul and body – for the lives of those in captivity. In Jen’s own words, “designing is my passion, but giving is my purpose.”